Organisational rules of the healthcare provider

Organisational rules of the healthcare provider

Heals sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw

§ 1
General provisions

  1. These Regulations are the Organisational Regulations of Heals sp. z o. o., a medical entity with its registered office in Warsaw, entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court Register kept by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw in Warsaw, XII Business Division of the National Court Register under the number 000780941, NIP 5272889763, REGON: 383063446, share capital PLN 5,000, being a registered Entity Performing Medical Activities with the entry number in the Register of Entities Performing Medical Activities 000000224739 (hereinafter referred to as the "Treatment entity").
  2. The Treatment Entity operates on the basis of:
    • legislation, including in particular the Act of 15 April 2011 on therapeutic activity, the Act of 5 December 1996 on the professions of physician and dentist and the Act of 6 November 2008 on patient rights and the Patient Ombudsman;
    • Registration in the Register of Healthcare Providers;
    • These Rules of Procedure;
    • Company contracts.
  3. Terms not defined in these Organisational Regulations shall have the same meaning ascribed to them in the Regulations for the Provision of Telemedicine Services.
  4. The Treatment Entity conducts its therapeutic activities under the name Heals sp. z o. o. with its registered office in Warsaw, and for this purpose uses the following names for its therapeutic activities: Heals, Teledok, Xmedica.
  5. The registered office of the therapeutic entity is the city of Warsaw, 8/10 Sándora Petöfiego Street, 01-917 Warsaw.
  6. The Treatment Entity shall not provide health care services in any other way than by means of an ICT or communication system within the meaning of Article 3(1) of the Act on Medical Activities.
  7. The place of provision of benefits is any place where the medical professionals providing those benefits are located within a telemedicine or communications system.
  8. Health services are provided by the Healmee Facility within the sites: (Healmee Facility):, and
  9. The Treatment Entity carries out therapeutic activities in the type of outpatient health services.
  10. The Treatment Entity may provide specialised health services to other treatment entities in accordance with the agreements concluded.

§ 2
Aims and objectives

  1. The purpose of the Treatment Entity is to provide health care services, by persons authorised to do so, by means of ICT systems or communication systems within the meaning of Article 3(1) of the Medical Activities Act.
  2. The tasks of the Treatment Entity include, in particular, the provision of health services in the field of outpatient specialised care as indicated in paragraph 1 above, as well as the conduct of research, health promotion, patient education. In particular, the purpose is to provide health services related to medical examination and advice, treatment, and diagnostic tests.
  3. The tasks referred to in § 2 shall be performed by qualified medical personnel of the treatment facility with professional qualifications required by separate regulations.
  4. Health services are provided with due diligence, in accordance with current medical knowledge, respecting patients' rights and in accordance with the principles of professional ethics.

§ 3
The organisational structure, organisation and tasks of the various organisational units, the conditions for interaction between these units and the manner in which the organisational units are managed

  1. The organisational structure of the Treatment Entity is uniform. There are no separate organisational units and cells in this structure.
  2. The following posts operate within the structure of the Treatment Entity:
    • Management in the form of the company's board of directors,
    • Doctors.
  3. The powers and tasks of the management include, in particular:
    • conducting the affairs of the Treatment Entity;
    • representing the Healthcare Provider externally;
    • the creation of rules of procedure and other internal acts;
    • to take all decisions concerning the activities of the Medical Entity in accordance with the provisions of the Commercial Companies Code and the Articles of Association.
  1. Doctors' competences and tasks include the provision of health services, patient education and health promotion.
  2. Doctors report to management in organisational terms.
  3. Management and physicians work together to ensure the proper functioning of the Treatment Facility and the regularity of the health services provided.

§ 4
Type of treatment activity and scope of health services provided

  1. The activity of the Treatment Entity is the provision of outpatient health services.
  2. The scope of health services provided by the Treatment Provider includes:
    • outpatient specialist healthcare in internal medicine (telemedicine), allergology (telemedicine), dermatology (telemedicine), diabetology (telemedicine), endocrinology (telemedicine), gynaecology (telemedicine), cardiology (telemedicine), neurology (telemedicine), orthopaedics (telemedicine), otorhinolaryngology (telemedicine), paediatrics (telemedicine), pulmonology (telemedicine), sexology (telemedicine), urology (telemedicine) and psychiatry (telemedicine),
    • medical examinations via ICT or communication systems,
    • providing medical advice and medical opinions via ICT or communication systems,
    • providing dietary and psychological advice via ICT or communication systems,
    • health promotion.
  3. Please be advised that the following prescriptions are not provided as part of our services: psychotropic drugs, growth hormone, benzodiazepines and narcotic drugs.

§ 5
The process of providing health services

  1. The Treatment Provider shall only provide healthcare services via ICT or communication systems in accordance with the Regulations for the Provision of Telemedicine Services via the Portal ( website (Healmee Facility) or mobile application).
  2. The health care delivery process consists of:
    • registration of an Account by the User,
    • indication of the ailment by the Patient on the Portal,
    • filling in a form (request for an e-consultation) by the patient appropriate to the ailment, containing, in particular, information on the patient's general state of health, treatment to date, medication taken, etc,
    • making payment for the Service,
    • verification of the form (request for e-consultation) and the data contained therein by the doctor,
    • depending on the nature of the Service requested, the provision of medical advice by a doctor, the making of a recommendation, the interpretation of test results, the issuing of a referral or e-prescription or the issuing of other documents and other actions in accordance with the circumstances and the nature of the Service.
  3. The course of the health care delivery process takes into account:
    • the patient's rights and obligations under the law;
    • requirements laid down by law;
    • principles of professional ethics;
    • rules resulting from the procedures and standards of conduct implemented in the Healthcare Provider;
    • rules derived from current medical standards.
  4. The healthcare provider and its employees undertake to keep confidential the information related to the patient and obtained in connection with the provision of healthcare services.
  5. The treatment entity shall keep records of the organisation and functioning of the entity.
  6. The healthcare provider shall keep, store and make available the medical records of persons receiving healthcare services and ensure the protection and confidentiality of the data contained in these records, in accordance with the applicable legislation.
  7. Medical records are kept in electronic form.
  8. Health services are provided using medical apparatus and equipment appropriate to the type of health services provided, marketed and used in accordance with separate regulations.
  9. Medical records at the Medical Entity shall be kept in accordance with the applicable legal provisions, in particular the Act of 6 November 2008 on Patient Rights and Patient Ombudsman and the Regulation of the Minister of Health of 9 November 2015 on types, scope and models of medical records and the manner of their processing.
  10. Medical records are kept in accordance with the provisions of internal law, in particular the Code of Medical Ethics and the resolutions of the bodies of the professional medical self-government.
  11. The Treatment Entity shall make medical records available to patients, their legal representatives or persons authorised by them, as well as to their relatives and other entities or bodies authorised pursuant to Article 26 of the Act of 6 November 2008 on Patients' Rights and Patients' Rights Ombudsman.
  12. Medical records are made available:
    • available for inspection at the company's registered office;
    • by making extracts, copies, copies or printouts thereof;
    • by issuing the original against acknowledgement of receipt and subject to return after use, at the request of public authorities or ordinary courts, and where delay in the release of the records could cause a risk to the patient's life or health;
    • by electronic means of communication; on a computer storage medium.
  13. A copy of the medical records shall be made available upon request for the records. The Treatment Provider is obliged to issue a copy of the medical records without undue delay, no later than 14 days.
  14. The release of medical records is carried out in a manner that ensures confidentiality and protection of personal data.
  15. When original medical records are released at the request of authorised bodies and institutions, a copy or a full copy of the released records shall be left at the Treatment Facility.

§ 6
Charges for health services

  1. The Treatment Entity provides healthcare services against payment.
  2. The amount of the currently applicable charges for the respective Service is stated on the Portal.

§ 7
Conditions of interaction with other healthcare providers

  1. In order to ensure the correct treatment of patients and the continuity of the provision of health services, the Treatment Entity shall cooperate with other entities providing treatment or health services to those patients.
  2. Interaction with other healthcare providers is carried out in compliance with applicable legislation and with respect for patient rights.
  3. The Treatment Entity may provide medical services to other healthcare providers, public and non-public, on the basis of agreements concluded specifying the type of healthcare and related services to be provided, the manner of their provision and the terms of payment.
  4. The performance of medical services for other entities must not interfere with the order of provision of services accepted for the patients of the Treatment Entity.

§ 9
Fees for access to medical records

  1. Medical records are made available for a fee.
  2. The initial provision of medical records is free of charge.
  3. Fee for:
    • one page of an extract or a copy of medical records - is 0.002,
    • one page of copy or printout of medical records - is 0.00007,
    • provision of medical records on a computerised data carrier - is 0.0004
      -the average salary in the previous quarter, announced by the President of the Central Statistical Office in the Official Journal of the Republic of Poland "Monitor Polski" pursuant to Article 20(2) of the Act of 17 December 1998 on pensions from the Social Insurance Fund, as of the first day of the month following the month in which the announcement was made.

§ 10

  1. A patient whose rights have been violated in the course of receiving health services at the Treatment Facility has the right to lodge a complaint.
  2. The organisation of the submission and handling of complaints is set out in the complaints regulations, which are available on the website of the Treatment Provider.

§ 11
Final provisions

  1. In matters not covered by these Terms and Conditions, the relevant provisions of Polish law shall apply.
  2. The regulations are effective as of 12.06.2024.
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