Dodano: February 4, 2025

ellaOne e-prescription

Informacje o leku

Antykoncepcja awaryjna to rozwiązanie pozwalające uniknąć nieplanowanej ciąży po stosunku płciowym. Jednym z najpopularniejszych środków tego typu jest tabletka ellaOne, dostępna wyłącznie na receptę. Dzięki rozwojowi telemedycyny możliwe jest szybkie uzyskanie recepty online na ten lek. W poniższym artykule omówimy szczegółowo działanie tabletki ellaOne, wskazania, przeciwwskazania oraz sposób jej uzyskania w formie e-recepty online.

Tabletka ellaOne – jak działa, na co i dla kogo?

EllaOne to tabletka antykoncepcji awaryjnej, znana również jako tabletka dzień po. Jej zadaniem jest zapobieganie owulacji lub opóźnianie jej, aby uniemożliwiać zapłodnienie. Działa dzięki zawartości substancji czynnej – octanu uliprystalu, który wpływa na progesteron, hormon kluczowy w cyklu owulacyjnym.

Dla kogo przeznaczona jest ellaOne? Tabletka ellaOne jest odpowiednia dla kobiet w wieku rozrodczym, w tym nastolatek, które potrzebują zabezpieczenia po stosunku bez ochrony. Najczęstsze sytuacje, w których stosuje się ten lek, to zapomnienie o regularnej metodzie antykoncepcji, zsunięcie lub pęknięcie prezerwatywy oraz brak zastosowania jakiejkolwiek ochrony podczas stosunku.

EllaOne jest także pomocna dla kobiet, które miały wątpliwości dotyczące skuteczności wcześniej użytych środków antykoncepcyjnych. Warto pamiętać, że tabletka ta nie chroni przed chorobami przenoszonymi drogą płciową.

EllaOne – co to za lek?

EllaOne to hormonalny środek antykoncepcji awaryjnej, którego skuteczność wynosi aż 98% w przypadku przyjęcia w ciągu pierwszych 24 godzin po stosunku. Może go stosować do 120 godzin (5 dni) od niezabezpieczonego stosunku, co wyróżnia go spośród innych metod tego typu.

Warto pamiętać, że tabletka ellaOne nie powinna być stosowana jako regularna metoda antykoncepcji. Jest to rozwiązanie doraźne, przeznaczone na nagłe sytuacje. Nie zaleca się jej stosowania w każdym cyklu menstruacyjnym, ponieważ może to prowadzić do zaburzeń hormonalnych.

EllaOne – skład leku

Tabletka ellaOne zawiera:

  • substancję czynną: octan uliprystalu (30 mg);
  • substancje pomocnicze, takie jak laktoza jednowodna, powidon, kroskarmeloza sodowa i stearynian magnezu.

Skład leku został opracowany tak, aby zapewnić wysoką skuteczność oraz minimalizować ryzyko wystąpienia skutków ubocznych. Octan uliprystalu działa poprzez blokowanie działania progesteronu, co zapobiega dojrzewaniu pęcherzyka jajnikowego i uwolnieniu komórki jajowej.

E-recepta online na tabletkę dzień ellaOne

Uzyskanie recepty na ellaOne jeszcze nigdy nie było tak proste. Dzięki telemedycynie pacjentki mogą skorzystać z konsultacji online, podczas której lekarz zbada sytuację i wystawi elektroniczną receptę na ellaOne. Proces jest szybki i wygodny, szczególnie w sytuacjach, gdy czas odgrywa kluczową rolę.

EllaOne – jak przyjmować?

Tabletka ellaOne powinna być przyjęta jak najszybciej po stosunku bez zabezpieczenia, najlepiej w ciągu pierwszych 24 godzin. Można ją stosować maksymalnie do 5 dni (120 godzin) od stosunku. Należy pamiętać, że skuteczność tabletki maleje wraz z upływem czasu.

Zalecenia dotyczące stosowania: lek można przyjmować o dowolnej porze dnia, niezależnie od posiłków. W przypadku wystąpienia wymiotów w ciągu 3 godzin od przyjęcia tabletki należy zażyć kolejną dawkę. Po przyjęciu ellaOne zaleca się stosowanie dodatkowych metod ochrony, takich jak prezerwatywy, do końca cyklu miesiączkowego.

Jeśli miesiączka opóźnia się o więcej niż 7 dni, warto wykonać test ciążowy i skonsultować się z lekarzem.

Czy tabletka ellaOne może służyć do przerywania ciąży?

Nie. EllaOne jest środkiem antykoncepcji awaryjnej, który zapobiega owulacji lub opóźnia ją, uniemożliwiając zapłodnienie. Nie jest to tabletka wczesnoporonna i nie przerywa już istniejącej ciąży. W przypadku wątpliwości zawsze należy skonsultować się z lekarzem.

EllaOne – przeciwskazania i środki ostrożności

Przed zastosowaniem tabletki ellaOne, należy zapoznać się z ulotką leku i poinformować lekarza o aktualnym stanie zdrowia, przebytych chorobach, takich jak astma czy choroby wątroby, oraz ewentualnych objawach ciąży, takich jak opóźnienie miesiączki.

Przeciwwskazania do stosowania ellaOne:

  • alergia na octan uliprystalu lub inne składniki leku;
  • podejrzenie ciąży;
  • jednoczesne stosowanie leków mogących obniżyć skuteczność tabletki (np. leki przeciwpadaczkowe, antybiotyki).

Środki ostrożności: Pacjentki karmiące piersią powinny przerwać karmienie na co najmniej tydzień po przyjęciu tabletki. Lek może być mniej skuteczny u kobiet z wysokim BMI.

Skutki uboczne stosowania ellaOne

Jak każdy lek, również tabletka ellaOne może wywołać działania niepożądane. Do najczęstszych należą nudności, wymioty, bóle brzucha, bóle głowy, zawroty głowy oraz nieregularne krwawienia miesiączkowe. Rzadziej mogą wystąpić reakcje alergiczne, takie jak wysypka czy świąd, oraz zaburzenia emocjonalne, takie jak wahania nastroju. W przypadku wystąpienia jakichkolwiek objawów niepożądanych, należy skonsultować się z lekarzem.

Sick leave, also known as L4, is a document that allows an employee to take a break from work due to illness. It is not only an option, but also a right available to those covered by health insurance. Although it is most commonly used by those employed under a contract of employment, those employed under civil law contracts can also apply for L4 under certain conditions. In addition, this right is available to those who have to care for sick children.

L4 has the function of protecting both the employee's own health and that of those around him or her at work. In the event of illness, the exercise of this right should not be avoided, as continuing to work in a weakened state is detrimental to both the organisation and ourselves.

When can sick leave be obtained?

Sick leave is available in many different health situations. If our health problems make it difficult or impossible to perform our duties, it is worth considering using L4. Examples of such situations are infectious diseases, digestive problems, injuries or pregnancy complications. Respiratory, osteoarticular or muscular conditions may also warrant leave. E-exemption can also cover people suffering from poisoning, cancer or other serious ailments.

What does the sick leave contain?

Each sick leave contains a disease code, according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10). This information is transmitted to the ZUS, but the patient does not see it on his or her copy of the document. This code informs the doctor of recommendations related to the patient's treatment, such as whether the patient needs to lie down or can leave the house for medical appointments.

It is worth remembering that while you are on sick leave, you cannot be gainfully employed. The Social Insurance Institution and the employer have the right to check that the leave is being used as intended.

How long does sick leave last?

The standard period of sick leave is a maximum of 182 days, but in some cases, such as tuberculosis or pregnancy, it can be extended up to 270 days. In addition, employees are entitled to 14 days for the care of sick family members and up to 60 days for the care of a child under 14 years of age.

Who can issue sick leave?

In Poland, sick leave is issued electronically (e-ZLA). The doctor, regardless of specialisation, can issue the exemption both during an in-person visit and a tele-treatment. The document goes directly to ZUS, and the patient can monitor his or her exemption via the Platform for Electronic Services (PUE).

Is remuneration payable during L4?

Yes, employees on sick leave are paid a salary, usually amounting to 80% of the assessment base. Pregnant women, people after accidents and organ donors receive 100% of salary. For the first 33 days, payment is provided by the employer, after which responsibility is assumed by the Social Security. In the case of hospitalisation, the remuneration can be 70% unless there are special indications.

Skin allergies, which belong to the group of dermatoses, can manifest themselves in a variety of ways, including pimples, pustules or other skin changes. Although these are the most noticeable symptoms, allergies can also cause other complaints that affect the quality of daily life. What are the most common symptoms of skin allergies and how do you deal with them?

What are skin allergies?

Skin allergies are reactions of the body to a variety of factors that manifest themselves with symptoms such as itching, redness, rashes, blisters, dry and flaky skin, as well as swelling and pain. These symptoms can significantly impede daily functioning and, in more severe cases, can lead to social or psychological problems.

A detailed medical history, physical examination and appropriate skin tests are required to make a diagnosis of skin allergy. Treatment depends on the cause and severity of the symptoms, ranging from avoidance of contact with the allergen to the use of topical preparations and immunotherapy.

One of the key elements in the fight against skin allergies is proper care - regular moisturising, using mild cosmetics and avoiding irritants.

What causes skin allergies?

Various factors can cause skin allergies. Among the most common are:

  • Food (e.g. dairy, eggs, cereals)
  • Animal hair
  • Cosmetics (fragrances, dyes)
  • Insect venom
  • Solar radiation
  • Metals (e.g. nickel in jewellery)
  • Some plants (e.g. poison ivy)

Most common allergic skin diseases

Atopic dermatitis (AD)

A chronic disease manifested by dry, itchy skin and eczema, with periods of exacerbation and remission.


The sudden appearance of itchy blisters, red patches or swellings, often as a reaction to food allergens, medication or insect stings.

Contact dermatitis

Skin reaction to direct contact with an irritant such as cosmetics, latex, metals or chemicals.

Allergic eczema

An inflammatory condition of the skin resulting from contact with allergens, manifested by itching, blistering and peeling of the skin.

Allergic conjunctivitis

Symptoms include red, itchy and watery eyes, usually caused by inhalant allergens such as pollen or dust.

Allergy to drugs

Some drugs can cause allergic reactions, leading to the appearance of hives, swellings or other skin lesions.

Treatment of skin allergies

Treatment of skin allergies requires an individual approach. In addition to avoiding allergens, it is important to consult a dermatologist or allergologist to select the appropriate medication and skin care regimen. Treatment options include:

  • Antihistamines
  • Topical preparations (creams, ointments)
  • Phototherapy
  • Immunotherapy (in specific cases)

If you notice symptoms of a skin allergy, it is worth seeing a specialist as soon as possible to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. There is also the option of an online consultation, which can speed up the process of diagnosis and referral for allergy tests.

Today's telemedicine solutions make it possible to do many things without leaving the house - including obtaining sick leave. As of December 2018, e-clearance is available, so that the employee does not have to deliver the sick leave to their employer in person. The entire process takes place online and the doctor issues an electronic sick leave (e-ZLA), handling the paperwork electronically.

What is an e-call?

The e-leave, like the traditional paper leave, confirms the employee's inability to work due to illness. The employer, on the basis of this document, is obliged to pay the employee sick pay. This is usually 80% of the standard salary, although in certain cases, such as pregnancy or accidents at work, the employee may receive the full salary. Who pays sick pay depends on the number of employees employed and the type of employment contract.

Employee rights during sick leave

Any employee covered by health insurance who has received sick leave is entitled to sick pay or sickness benefits. However, being on sick leave also entails complying with the doctor's instructions and the restrictions imposed by the illness. The main purpose of sick leave is to recover quickly, so undertaking other activities, such as gainful employment or recreational outings, can lead to negative consequences.

While on sick leave, the employee should follow the doctor's instructions and usually stay at home. Failure to do so, such as leaving home without justification or taking on extra work, can lead to sanctions such as loss of entitlement to sick pay or even dismissal.

Employer's obligations in respect of e-credits

E-discharge has significantly simplified the process of informing employers about incapacity. Thanks to the electronic system, the employer receives automatic notification that the sick leave has been issued, eliminating the need to deliver the document in person. The employer is obliged to pay wages in accordance with the applicable legislation and to respect the employee's rights in relation to his or her sick leave.

Additional information can be obtained by using the medical e-consultation, which is available at any time.

Contraception is a subject that is highly controversial and surrounded by many myths. In order to better understand its effects and dispel ambiguities, it is worth taking a look at what exactly contraception is. Its history dates back to the 1960s, and it played a key role in the sexual revolution of the 1970s.

Contemporary methods of contraception

Modern methods of contraception fall into several main categories, such as hormonal, mechanical and natural methods of preventing pregnancy. Hormonal contraception, which includes the popular contraceptive pill, not only protects against pregnancy, but can also help treat conditions such as endometriosis and irregular menstrual cycles.

However, as is often the case with controversial topics, contraception has been riddled with numerous myths. Below you will find a discussion of some of them:

Facts and myths about contraception

1. Contraceptive pills reduce menstrual pain - TRUE

The use of hormonal contraception can alleviate menstrual symptoms such as pain and excessive bleeding. Many women use these contraceptives not only to prevent pregnancy, but also to regulate their cycle and relieve menstrual discomfort.

2. No smoking while on hormonal contraception - TRUE

The combination of smoking and hormonal contraception can increase the risk of serious health problems, such as blood clots. Therefore, women using these measures should avoid smoking.

3. Contraception protects against sexually transmitted diseases - MIT

It is a myth. Hormonal contraception only prevents pregnancy, but does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV, chlamydia or HPV. Additional forms of protection, such as condoms, are needed to protect against infections.

4. birth control pills give 100% protection against pregnancy - MIT

Although hormonal contraception is very effective, no method provides 100% protection. Even the pill, taken regularly, can sometimes fail. The only fully reliable way to prevent pregnancy is sexual abstinence.

5. hormonal contraception causes weight gain - MIT

Studies do not confirm a direct link between the use of hormonal contraception and weight gain. In some cases there may be a slight change in weight, but this is most often due to other factors such as diet or lifestyle.

6. Hormonal contraception leads to infertility - MIT

This is one of the most commonly repeated myths, which is completely untrue. Once hormonal contraception is discontinued, most women quickly return to full fertility. These contraceptives have no negative impact on future ability to get pregnant.

More information can be obtained by using the medical e-consultation available at any time.

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